Wednesday, June 20, 2007

!!! Inspiration !!!

Mirror, mirror on da wall, "who's da most inspiring of 'em all??"

Well there are so many things, so many persons in this universe to get inspiration from. But da one who tops da list, who's da most inspiring of 'em all is- Satan!!

He's so dedicated to his work… never gives up however tough da target maybe… so hardworking that he keeps on trying to achieve his goal- that of stuffing hatred 'n' foul things in one's mind… impurifying the pure thoughts of a pure soul. B'coz of the hard work he puts in his work, he's successful… very successful infact!! The widening divide b'win persons, b'win communities, b'win countries is proof enuf of his success.

Satan indeed is da most inspiring of 'em all!!

Satan indeed is da most inspiring of 'em all!!

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